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Comparison of layout engines (XHTML)

The following tables compare XHTML compatibility and support for a number of layout engines. Please see the individual products' articles for further information. This article is not all-inclusive or necessarily up-to-date. Unless otherwise specified in footnotes, comparisons are based on the stable versions without any add-ons, extensions or external programs.

Only XHTML 1.1 is considered. XHTML 1.1 is necessarily XHTML 1.0 Strict with more elements and attributes deprecated. XHTML 2.0 was a working draft with no layout engine support, but work on it was abandoned[1] in 2009 in favor of work on HTML5 and XHTML5. XHTML 1.0 and HTML 4 (both served with text/html) are covered in comparison of layout engines (HTML). The comparison of XML capabilities are covered in comparison of layout engines (XML).

Version number, if possible, is provided for feature that is fully supported. Proprietary extensions are not included.


Explanation of the tables

Engine nomenclature

Rather than the names of web browsers, the names of the underlying engines are used. The browsers that use the various engines are listed below.

Layout engineRelease versionPreview versionUsed by
Gecko19.020.0All Mozilla software, including Firefox; SeaMonkey and Galeon; Camino; K-Meleon; Flock (up to 2.x); Debian IceWeasel; GNU IceCat (formerly GNU IceWeasel); Icedove, Iceape and Iceowl; Fennec. Also used by the Maple platform in 2010 and 2011 Samsung "SmartTV" devices which are based on the build used in Firefox 3.0.
KHTML N/AKonqueror
Presto2.10.2292.10.238Opera; Opera Mobile, Nintendo DS & DSi Browser; Internet Channel
Tasman(IE 5.2.3 for Mac)none (aborted in 2003)Internet Explorer 5+ for Mac OS X
Trident6.0 (IE 10)6.0 (IE 10)Internet Explorer and other Internet Explorer shells like Maxthon (Microsoft Windows operating systems only), Windows Phone 8
WebKit534.20r146740Tizen (both OS and browser), Safari (both desktop and mobile), Google Chrome, Maxthon 3, Shiira, iCab 4, OmniWeb 5.5+, Web, Adobe AIR, Midori, Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 and CS5, Android browser, Palm webOS browser, Symbian S60 browser, OWB, Steam, Rekonq, Arora, Flock (version 3+), RockMelt, Dolphin Browser, Sleipnir, Konqueror, rekonq. Used by the LG Smart TV platform to enable web content on TVs.

In Konqueror, the user can switch layout engine.


Values indicate the level of support in the most recent version of the layout engine, or (if a version number is given) in the specified version. Version numbers without any other value indicate the version at which the layout engine first fully supported the feature.

YesIndicates that the layout engine fully supports this property/element when valid values are used.
NoIndicates that the property/element is completely ignored.
PartialIndicates that the property/element is understood, but that not all values are supported. Supported values are implemented correctly.
IncorrectIndicates that the property/element is understood, but that it is not implemented correctly in all cases.
ExperimentalIndicates that the property/element is understood, but supported under an alternate name. May be incomplete or buggy.
DroppedIndicates that the property/element is no longer supported.
Nightly buildIndicates that the property/element is supported to some extent in an experimental/nightly build. Future support is expected.
DependsIndicates that the property/element is supported only on certain platforms, or if certain settings are configured.

Media types

The responses when a well-formatted XHTML document is served with different media types. Note that only application/xhtml+xml is the recommended media type.

Internet media typeTridentTasmanGeckoWebKitKHTMLPrestoPrince XML
application/atom+xml ? ? ? ? ?8.00 beta 2[o 1][o 2] ?
application/mathml+xmlNoNo2.0[g 1]NoNo9.50 beta 2[o 3] ?
application/rss+xml ? ? ? ? ?7.50 beta 1[o 4][o 5] ?
application/xhtml+xmlXHTML 5.0Prompt for downloadXHTMLXHTML
application/xmlXHTML 5.0CrashXHTMLXHTML
application/xslt+xml ? ? ? ? ?9.00 beta 1[o 6] ?
image/svg+xml ? ?1.0[g 2] ? ?9.50[o 7][o 8] ?
text/xmlXHTML 5.0CrashXHTMLXHTML

KHTML media type notes

  1. application/xhtml+xml — KHTML supports this media type, but processes the document as HTML.
  2. application/xml, text/xml — HTML entities and custom entities defined by custom DTD are not recognized.

Combined profiles

Extending XHTML by combining with other applications of XML (not referring using img/object element).

TridentTasmanGeckoWebKitKHTMLPrestoPrince XML
MathMLNoNo1.0No[w 1]No2.16.0
XFormsNoNo[g 3]No[w 2]NoNo ?


Gecko references

Opera references

WebKit references

Other references

  1. ^ "W3C XHTML FAQ".
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